What’s it really all about, Alfie?

Writing about sex from a cosmic viewpoint

Britni Pepper
5 min readDec 20, 2019


The cosmos is conscious. Consider. You are a conscious being. You are part of the cosmos.

I wonder how anybody can look on the universe as something apart from themselves. Is it the great “out there”, and the timid creature behind our eyes and between our ears? Is it two things, or one?

It cannot be two or three or a great number. The cosmos is one thing, and we are part of it.

We are not our bodies. We may lose a limb and remain the same. We can lose our eyes and all our senses, and yet the essential “I” is there unchanged. Perhaps a little uncomfortable, but still able to use insight, reason, emotion to contemplate the world.

We are not our minds; the chattering thoughts of our brains. We are not our memories, skills, emotions. All these come and go. We forget things all the time, we lose the habits and the ways of our childhood, we fall still in meditation. But we remain, observant.

We are not some vital force. There is no such thing to be found. Life is chemistry and electricity, down to the smallest units. Is a cell alive? If so, what is life? We may discern every function of the cell, and find nothing but chemical reactions and the movement of electrical charges.



Britni Pepper

Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.